14 Study Abroad Challenges You Will Face When You Study Abroad

Study abroad challenges: Studying abroad is a great experience, so how do you know when it’s all right for you? Here are some challenges you will come across along the way.

Studying abroad challenges help students by exposing them to new places, people and cultures. They help students learn to manage their time and work independently daily. Students also learn to be more independent and rely on themselves and their new friends instead of family and friends back home. Studying abroad is an incredible experience that everyone should consider. Study Abroad Challenges


One of the most challenging parts of studying abroad is the language. You may be surrounded by people that you want to speak your native tongue with, but it can be difficult, especially if they are trying to communicate in the country’s native tongue. Going into culture shock can be a double whammy of struggling to communicate. Always make sure you research your destination and get as much knowledge of the language as you can. Drinking plenty of water and working out what you are trying to say before putting it together should help you.


Money will inevitably be a challenge for almost every student studying abroad. There are always a few study abroad students who end up regretting it. It’s such a familiar idea. The reality of the situation is that studying abroad also costs money—accommodation, food, transport, entertainment, and so on. Most students find great ways to save money, but things inevitably go wrong at some point, especially when you’re doing well. Make sure you budget for that.

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Time off

Again, yet another familiar notion. The day-to-day tasks of maintaining a job and completing your course can be just as demanding as studying abroad and can be a significant distraction. There’s the added travel from home to the venue where you are working, your work might be tedious and tiring, and you might find yourself spending a lot of time off work, which can easily lead to missing deadlines. Make sure you set yourself realistic goals and consider the different time zones and seasons; attending an exam at 3:00 am is just as silly as attending one at 3:00 am on a Friday. Relax.

Culture shock

This is possibly one of the most challenging parts of studying abroad. Coming from England, where there isn’t much culture shock, you are often taken aback by how different the world can be. You may be adorned with new and exciting fashion, fascinated by uplifting new customs and wonder why people eat penguins. The changes are vast and often hard to come to terms with. It is well worth learning how to overcome culture shock before heading off to study abroad.


There are so many things that people are too afraid to ask. Many people ask your friends for advice, but this could be ten times worse than asking a random stranger. Make sure you research as much as possible, and always ask around for help if needed.

Have you ever considered studying abroad? It can be a wonderful experience if planned properly. It is essential to keep in mind that studying abroad is not all fine and good. There are a few challenges you will come across while studying abroad. Here is what you can do to minimize the impact of these challenges.

Language barrier

If you are moving to a country whose native language is not your native language, then that is not something you will be used to. Most if not all of the classmates will be speaking in the local language. You will be expected to speak in the local language. You will also see people making jokes in the local language. The important thing is not to panic and just start talking. Of course, it will be hard at first, but the more you practice, the easier it will get.


It is not as hard as it may sound. However, when you arrive at your destination country, bureaucracy will face. From being on time for an airport flight to finding your hostel, bureaucracy is something that you will face. There will be barriers, and you have to be aware of that.


The safety of studying abroad is obviously of utmost importance. You should always ensure you are traveling to a safe destination. When it comes to your health, it is your responsibility to know what is safe and what is not.

Every country is different. In some, it is not a big deal; in others, it is. Check your NHS website; they will provide you with comprehensive information and travel advice.


Going abroad usually means going on a voluntary program. This means that not everyone is going to end up being your friend. It can be a small, unpleasant thing that others have to face. Try to be open-minded. Even if you are not friends with everyone else, you can still make friends by participating in class and socializing with strangers.

Culture shock

If you study abroad for a short period, you will experience culture shock. Even spending a semester abroad does not mean that you will not encounter culture shock. Culture shock happens when you are far away from your home and the people around you. This is something which you should be aware of. It is impossible to stop culture shock. However, there are a few things you can do to minimize the impact of culture shock.

Change scenery

Change your surroundings, spend some time in a hostel with other people. Having people around to observe will help you adjust to your new surroundings.

Travel. Get out and explore your new environment. Do not just stay in your room.

Volunteer. Not only is it a great way to meet new people, but it’s also a great way to learn about new cultures and expand your worldview.

Be prepared

Be flexible and keep an open mind. Culture shock is something that can happen to anyone.

Indirect costs

In some countries, living costs are significantly less than in our country. However, for studying abroad, you need to pay for other things besides your initial travel ticket and accommodation. Everything from food to laundry to entertainment will cost money in foreign currency.

When you are planning for your study abroad, we recommend including all these additional costs into your overall budget.

Travel Insurance

Unless you are traveling from your country of residence, we would highly recommend not traveling without travel insurance. It will cover you in case of medical expenses, trip cancellations and delays. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you may need additional insurance.

Bottom Line

To summarize, I have outlined a few challenges that you might face when studying abroad. Studying abroad can be a great experience, but it is not for everyone. Make sure to understand the reasons you want to study and apply the principles of what you are trying to achieve. Try avoiding any of the listed details in this blog post. These challenges apply to both Americans and non-Americans traveling worldwide, whether on vacation or longer-term education. I hope this post has been as helpful as it is fascinating!



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